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January 9, 2015

San Diego Texas Chopper Motorcycle Ride

by biker1

 San Diego Texas Chopper Motorcycle Ride

This is a video about my ride from Gilbert, Arizona to San Diego on the first weekend in January 2015. Personally, for me, this was the coldest weather that I ever rode a motorcycle!

I was in Arizona to purchase this American Ironhorse 2007 Texas Chopper. I knew it was gonna be cold this weekend but I just couldn’t make arrangements to go midweek when I knew it was going to be warmer. Actually, this trip was on the first Sunday in January, and by Wednesday, the temperature at least here in San Diego was 80°!

I started this ride and the temperature was in the mid-30s!

San Diego Texas Chopper Motorcycle Ride

Because I had done this ride about a year before, I knew I had to get over the Laguna Mountains before sundown when the high-altitude and cold temperatures would combine to really make for miserable ride. Long-johns, a full face helmet, a scarf and a double set of gloves are what made this ride possible.what was the second

San Diego Texas Chopper motorcycle Ride  - 2007 American Ironhorse Texas Chopper

2007 American Ironhorse Texas Chopper

2007 Texas Chopper

2007 Texas Chopper

This 2007 American Ironhorse Texas Chopper was in excellent condition and had only just over 6000 original miles! Also, it has the optional air ride suspension. This adjustable suspension , which works by a tiny compressor under the seat really makes for an adjustable very comfortable ride.

I always do a complete visual and mechanical check of any by debt online or purchase, and just before purchasing this bike. I looked at one just about 5 miles away from my house, which after the compression test, I decided to pass on.

My personal motorcycle check really paid off here  because after nine hours and about 351 miles, the motorcycle operated flawlessly. Plus, as you’ll see in the video, the next day when I looked under the motorcycle, there was not one drop of leaking oil!

I have my 2006 Texas Chopper show bike for sale.

Texas Chopper San Diego Texas Chopper motorcycle Ride

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