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November 11, 2014

Veterans Day Tribute 2014

by Oakley

 Veterans Day 2014

From Steve W.:

To any that speak against these true Veterans and Heroes that have fought the fight their Commanders sent them to fight, I can honestly say, I don’t deserve such attributes that so many give our Men and Women of the Armed Services deserve, for I have never fought in War, I have never dawned the uniform of such Brave Souls. But every time I see one of these young men and women, I do my best to tell them how much I appreciate them and what they have done for their Country for I am a Patriot and I know where my freedom and liberty comes from. I know in my heart that if there were to be a time in the days of Our Liberty and Freedom that if our leaders, ever, betrayed us and tried to turn the arms of Freedom upon us, those young Men and Women would defend you and I, would defend those that take their sacrifice for granted, they would defend ALL upon this land. Have some decency in appreciating those that pay the price for you to insult their actions. That’s freedom, that my friend is liberty!

From Julieanne F.:

Today, we live in a generation where the Great Wars are scarely touched upon in schools across the country. Army theme motorcycleI grew up with a school system that only cared about the Civil War and Revolutions. We glossed over the wars that created the world we have today. I study these wars when I have the time to spare. I support our armed forces. Those who hate have no idea what these men and women have sacrificed for THEM, for US. This is inexcusable for all the nations who were a part of the World Wars. Teach the young more thoroughly, so they might understand just what was given for the life they have now.

Veterans Day Tribute 2014

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