Orange County Motorcycle Crash
Hwy 5 Orange County Motorcycle Crash
Car was wrong way going southbound in the carpool lane of the northbound 5 freeway near Main Street in Santa Ana California.
Are you aware that California has the most registered motorcycles out of any other state in the union? Naturally most of those motorcycles are registered in Southern California. I mean with our great climate, and being able to ride from the beach to the mountains usually within an hour or so, makes Southern California probably one of the best places to ride a motorcycle.
Unfortunately, there is a downside to motorcycle riding here in Southern California. California has perhaps the highest gas tax in the country. Plus, because the State was using just 20% of the gas tax money to maintain the highways, they were in terrible condition. To solve this problem, instead of using more of the dedicated gas tax money, the politicians in California, earlier this year, decided to jack up the gas tax by over $.12 a gallon on top of what we were already paying. Now, that’s just the current gas tax increase, because this same legislation increases the amount of gas tax every year! Read more
How to install motorcycle fuel filter
How to install motorcycle fuel filter
Changing out or cleaning your motorcycles fuel filter on an annual basis will not only keep your bike riding well, but prevent costly carburetor repair and/or rebuilding.
I used to clean my motorcycles fuel filter on an annual basis but it just slip my mind, and on a recent ride up to the mountains here in San Diego, my bike stalled out three times. Luckily, I was able to get it restarted and ended up writing it home without any further stalls. But, it could very well ended up that I would’ve had to call a towing service to get my bike back home. Read more
k9 Big Dog Motorcycle
k9 Big Dog Motorcycle
The chopper in this video is 2005 Big Dog Ridgeback. This is a rigid frame with a 330mm huge rear tire. As far as rigid frame factory built custom choppers go, I think the Big Dog Ridgeback is one of the best if not the best out there.
Now, when it comes to soft-tales, my two personal favorites are the k9 Big Dog motorcycle and the American Ironhorse Texas Chopper. It’s a shame that most people will never experience riding a high powered, sleek chopper like the k9 or Texas Chopper. Let’s face facts, riding any type of other motorcycle, including any Harley, is only partially experiencing what it’s like to ride one of these over 9 foot long beauties. Read more
California Motorcycle Event
California Motorcycle Event
The usual Southern California motorcycle events that I’ve attended usually include stunt riders, bikini bike wash, slow riding contest and the always popular wet T-shirt contest. But this event at Coronado Beach Harley-Davidson has none of those activities! It was called the Paul Bunyan lumberjack contest.
Yes, the main reason I wanted to attend was because I couldn’t get the idea of a lumberjack contest at a motorcycle event. Plus, as I would venture to speculate most motorcycle riders in Southern California haven’t seen a lumberjack contest. Read more
Big Dog k9 Chopper Motorcycle
Big Dog k9 Chopper
Manufacturing and break in of a brand-new Big Dog k9 Chopper Motorcycle.
See these Big Dog Motorcycles K9 Choppers get built from welding the frame until break it in ride. The bikes in this video are two of three that were purchased and shipped to Dubai
Breaking the k9 choppers in looks like it was a lot of fun. They put a over thirty-miles on each of the choppers. They are put through all six-gears of the Jim’s Transmissions. At first, the transmission was pretty tight, and the shifting was a bit rough until they rode them for a little while. Read more
360° Motorcycle Ride
360° Motorcycle Ride
The motorcycle in the video is a 2006 American Ironhorse Texas Chopper. The camera that’s being used is a Samsung Gear 360. The video is just as it came out of the camera with no post editing or color correction whatsoever. well, I guess I should add that I did put the title of our website in the video and if you use your cursor and scroll up to look towards the sky eventually you’ll see the URL which because of the 360° format is turned into a circle. 360° Motorcycle Ride – – –
When viewing the video, you should see a directional arrow in the upper left-hand corner that you could click on to change the view while the video is playing. Also, by moving your computer cursor on the video itself when it’s playing you can also change the direction of the view. when viewing videos like this in a virtual reality headset, just moving your head in any direction changes the view on the screen and it feels like your practically riding this high-powered custom chopper. for best results when viewing this video you can change the resolution up to 4K.
This is my main chopper motorcycle and it has an S&S 117 cubic inch V-twin engine. the Texas chopper has a 280 rear tire and six speed transmission. Read more
Big Dog Motorcycle Ride – 360 Video Chopper Motorcycle Ride
Big Dog Motorcycle Ride
Videotaping Big Dog k9 motorcycle ride with a Samsung Gear 360° view camera. Also a few Big Dog k-9 motorcycles for sale. So, on to the Big Dog Motorcycle Ride:
The motorcycle I’m riding in this video is a 2009 Big Dog K-9 motorcycle with an S&S 117 in.³ fuel injected V-twin engine. This video is in 4K resolution and was shot with a Samsung Gear 360 video camera. Read more
Big Dog k9 Motorcycle Ride 360 Video
Big Dog k9 motorcycle ride
The motorcycle in this video is a Big Dog K9 motorcycle with an S&S 117 in.³ fuel injected V-Twin engine. This video shows part of my ride from Orange County California to San Diego CA. The video was shot with a Samsung Gear 360 camera. Watch the Big Dog k9 motorcycle ride below:
This Samsung camera is a relatively small 360° camera that can be mounted using standard GoPro mounts. I’m riding the Big Dog with the camera is mounted on the right side of my helmet.
I’m also using Corel Video Studio X10 to edit the footage and convert it from 360° video into standard video. Read more
Captain America Chopper Peter Fonda
Peter Fonda and the Captain America Chopper
Peter Fonda talks about the process of building the Captain America Bike.
The Easy Rider chopper inspired a lot of us baby boomers to go out & start building a bike.. Many couldn’t afford to buy a harley back in the days, so they chopped BSA & Triumphs.. when the 750 Honda came out in ’69, those became popular bikes to chop also… I would say Easy Rider changed a lot of people in our generation. Read more
1933 Indian Motorcycle
Indian Motorcycle – Jay Leno’s Garage
In 1901, bicycle racer and builder George Hendee teamed up with engineer Carl Oscar Hedstrom to build a 1.75 hp single cylinder motorcycle prototype with a revolutionary chain drive.
This motorized bicycle met with immediate success, and the 1933 Indian Motorcycle. Indian Motocycle Company was soon formed in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Below is additional information about the original Indian motorcycle from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The “Indian Motocycle Co.” was founded as the Hendee Manufacturing Company by George M. Hendee in 1897 to manufacture bicycles. These were initially badged as “Silver King” and “Silver Queen” brands but the name “American Indian”, quickly shortened to just “Indian”, was adopted by Hendee from 1898 onwards because it gave better product recognition in export markets. Oscar Hedstrom joined in 1900. Both Hendee and Hedstrom were former bicycle racers and manufacturers, and after building three prototypes in Middletown, Connecticut they teamed up to produce a motorcycle with a 1.75 bhp, single-cylinder engine in Hendee’s home town of Springfield. The motorcycle was successful and sales increased dramatically during the next decade. Read more