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April 1, 2014

Gal Motorcycle Rider Accident

by biker1

Girl rides motorcycle off cliff

The lady motorcycle rider in this video was released from the hospital and made a full recovery. Johnny Strange goes riding in the canyons to film, and ends up catching more intense footage than he hoped too when he stumbles upon a crashed motorcycle and ends up finding the rider.


From Johnny Strange: – Any real credit for helping her goes to the Firemen and Medics, I appreciate the nice comments but I was just in the right place at the right time and anyone else would have done the same thing. I want to thank the Firemen and medics for there everyday work!

California Motorcyclist Safety Program (CMSP) – The CHP is statutorily responsible for California’s official motorcycle safety training program. Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 2930-2935, the CHP administers the program through a primary contractor, currently the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. As of March 2012, over 800,000 motorcycle riders have received training at one of the CMSP’s 134 training sites since the program began in July 1987.

Motorcycle Rider Accident

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