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April 27, 2016

Harley Crash and Save

by biker1

Harley Crash

Harley Crash doing a radical wheelie. They should call the rider catman as he bailed out and landed on his feet.

I have nothing really negative to say about this video because at least the motorcycle driver was smart enough to practice stunts in what looks to be a warehouse area versus the public streets. Plus, he was smart enough wear a full face helmet.

I guess if I was intent on practicing motorcycle stunt riding I would’ve have also had set of Kevlar jeans, protective gloves and definitely a good set of boots that would protect my ankles.

Now, talk about being lucky, if you watch this video a couple times you see actually had the bike past 90°! To fall off the bike after a stunt like this and land on your feet is just amazing! Personally, I think if this happened to me, I would take it as a sign that my stunt riding days were over, because I just know I’d never be that lucky again if something went wrong doing motorcycle stunt riding.

Orange County motorcycle accidentIs motorcycle stunt riding dangerous, sure it is, but if that’s what you want to do you just have to figure in the risk. I have nothing against people taking chances engaging in risky sports or doing life-threatening stunts. The only thing I would say to modify the above statement is that if you’re going to engage in these risky endeavors you have to think about the public safety. So, even though you may be fully accepting of the risk of injury or death to yourself you have to undertake these endeavors in such a manner and such a location, that it’s totally impossible for bystanders or any of the public, possibly getting injured should something go wrong.

motorcycle accident Los Angeles - Street Motorcycle Accident - Harley CrashPer vehicle mile traveled, motorcyclists’ risk of a fatal crash is 35 times greater than a passenger car. In 2004, figures from the UK Department for Transport indicated that motorcycles have 16 times the rate of serious injuries compared to cars.


Harley Crash

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