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December 18, 2015

Motorcycle Accident Biker Gal

by biker1

Motorcycle Accident

Quote from the guy who took the video: “It’s completely her fault. Double lane change. No shoulder checks. Improper merge with traffic. These are the very basic things you learn. What if that was an emergency vehicle”?

You are always supposed to turn to your inside lane. She crossed over into the other lane right away. Sure the car is at fault also but she’s the one that took the punishment. Defensive driving 101, if you stay in your inside lane it gives someone going too fast somewhere to go. If you cross over  you are crossing over the whole road and putting yourself in the path of someone like this.

San Diego custom motorcycle - Motorcycle AccidentWhat I found amusing was that the accident victim (the woman), only starts to cry after she walks up to her bike and sees how thrashed it is…. I can appreciate that kind of sentimentalism… Plus, giving water, taking off the helmet, not putting the victim in safety position, come on . . . You’re doing everything wrong!

The car was braking at the last second… if the other biker hadn’t seen him speeding all the way down he would have ran over both of them not to mention the amount of time he had to slow down.  But really . . . your fault my fault who’s fault, (she should find herself a open area and practice turns. He should visit the eye doctor) the point is be safe when ride look for trouble not to make one,I hope she is ok and not to afraid to ride again.

Sage motorcycle riding advice “the day you think you have your bike mastered, get off it, your going to get hurt and don’t show off, you’ll get hurt doing that too”. 

For motorcycle safety source – check out: MOTORCYCLE SAFETY FOUNDATION


Motorcycle Accident

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