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February 9, 2014


Motorcycle Airbag

by biker1

Motorcycle Airbag

Dainese was set to release its new air-bag-equipped suits in 2010 (I’m not sure if they did release them) – a full 10 years after development of the system began. Dainese’s D-Tec system is the first airbag from a major protective bike clothing manufacturer, although small companies have released jackets with cruder activation systems.


It’s said this motorcycle airbag uses co2 cartridges and a state of the art computer to calculate within the millisecond before an impact. the best part is the motorcycle airbag system is replaceable and you still have the impact protector pads that also come with the suit standard as a 2nd layer of safety.

Also, this motorcycle airbag may help in preventing riders from snapping their neck, which is the biggest worry when a motorcycle crashes. Road rash can be prevented with thick clothing but it can be hard to prevent your heavy head (with a helmet on) from snapping your neck. This keeps your head stay in place during a crash. Keep in mind, you can’t save every motorcycle rider from every type of injury. arms and legs can heal better usually. neck and spine are more fragile, and if injured cause permanent injuries/death, and that is what this is for.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: motorcycle safety

Motorcycle Airbag

1 Comment Post a comment
  1. Feb 11 2014

    Looks like a good idea, but, if they were testing in 2010, what happened? I’ve not heard anything about it.

    If it was small enough, and could save a broken bone, it think it would be a good seller.


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