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August 29, 2014

Newport Beach August 2014 The Wedge

by Oakley

The Wedge Newport Beach August 2014

Normally, I just publish videos about San Diego California custom motorcycles. But, Southern California is the surfing capital of the U.S., and surfing is a sport just like motorcycling, They both provide an adrenaline rush, excitement, adventure and the possibility of serious injury.

So, when I heard that because of a hurricane off of Mexico, Southern California beaches were expecting huge waves, I researched the best place to check them out. Because of the direction of the swells, the undisputed location to be at, was The Wedge in Newport Beach, California.

This video was taken between 5:30PM and 6:30PM on August 27, 2014 at The Wedge in Newport Beach, California. There were thousands of spectators and just about a dozen or so, bodyboarders and surfers in the water.

The Wedge Newport BeachNewport Beach The WedgeNewport Beach August 2014 The Wedge The Wedge Newport Beach August 2014 Southern California surfingAugust 27 2014 The Wedgesurfing Newport Beach CACalifornia surfingsurfing at The Wedgewaves at The Wedgewaves The Wedge

For more information about the wage check out the link below from Wikipedia:

The Wedge Newport Beach August 2014

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