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November 1, 2015

San Diego Harley-Davidson Stunt Riders Halloween

by biker1

San Diego Harley-Davidson Stunt Riders Halloween

October 30 – San Diego Harley-Davidson dealership on Marina Boulevard. A Halloween party, with Harley-Davidson stunt riders to the sexiest costume, it was all there.

Harley Halloween

The San Diego Harley-Davidson dealership on Marina Boulevard is the largest Harley-Davidson motorcycle dealership west of the Mississippi. It seems like hardly a week goes by that San Diego Harley-Davidson doesn’t have some type of event or charity fundraising ride going on. With this great motorcycle dealership and San Diego’s outstanding weather and varied terrain, San Diego California has to be one of the best motorcycling cities in the world!

San Diego Harley-Davidson Stunt RidersSan Diego Harley Halloween

Motorcycle HalloweenFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

In the late 1980s and continuing today, motorcycles, and especially sportbikes, have become lighter and more powerful, and have therefore become easier to wheelie. Other stunts have also become possible if not easy with the advancement of motorcycle technology. As Martin Child wrote in Bike, “With lighter, shorter, better-braked bikes on the market, the stoppie has never been so easy for so many.” But at the same time, the cost of a motorcycle has remained relatively low compared to other street-legal vehicles with similar power-to-weight ratios.

In the 1990s some riders made performing stunts the primary focus of their riding. A wheelie or other stunt was not just something to do while riding, it became the main goal in riding.

Big Dog 2007 k9 for sale

San Diego Harley-Davidson Stunt Riders Halloween


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