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Posts tagged ‘Los Angeles motorcycle accidents’


Motorcycle Accidents Smart Phones

 Motorcycle Accidents Smart Phones

motorcycle accident Los Angeles - Street Motorcycle Accident Motorcycle Accidents Smart Phones

Motorcycle Accidents Smart Phones

Here in San Diego California, it seems not one day goes by where I don’t hear of a motorcycle accident on the radio. Most of these motorcycle accidents occur during the morning or evening rush hours.

Considering the size and population of San Diego County, and the large motorcycling community,  this information about daily motorcycle accidents should be expected. We have great motorcycle riding weather all year around and unfortunately some pretty congested roadways around town.

Personally, it seems that almost every time I go out for a ride I’m always seeing someone talking or texting while driving. Also, I’ve noticed a number of drivers on the highway cutting across two or more lanes because they seemingly just realized that they’re going to miss their exit. I’m not sure whether these drivers are being distracted by their smart phones or not, but I have a feeling that that could be the reason. Read more »