San Diego Hot Rod Motorcycle Show
San Diego Hot Rod Motorcycle Show – Pacific Beach
This is by far and away the best hot rod and motorcycle show in San Diego County! The show date is Sunday, August 16 in Pacific Beach at Garnet & Dawes St. from 9 AM to 3 PM. The show is totally free to the public, and if you wanted to enter your motorcycle, before August 12, it’s just $10!
What’s really great about this show is the fact that they have events going on throughout the whole show, about every half-hour or so. These events range from a great bikini contest, a car engine blowup contest, the start up of some dragsters and hot rods and much more.
San Diego Pacific Beach Hot Rod Motorcycle Show
San Diego Pacific Beach Hot Rod Motorcycle Show
Many San Diego motorcycle riders consider the Pacific beach hot Rod and motorcycle show to be one of the best in San Diego County. Besides a great location, just a block from the Pacific Ocean, this show provides ongoing entertainment and an ever popular bikini contest. Read more