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Posts by Oakley


Your Last Motorcycle Ride

Your Last Motorcycle Ride

This is a very powerful video, never know when that next turn could be your last, but as said in the video, when it’s in your blood you can’t do anything but throw your leg over that bike! Very sorry for your loss.

Video notes: Patrick Bracelin has been my best friend since college. We did an initial interview with Patrick which quickly turned into, what I would consider, one of my favorite things I’ve captured on video. We made the haul to Phoenixville, PA from the DC area for the additional shots we wanted to lay over the video that we had already edited featuring Patrick’s interview. Read more »


Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Problems

Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Problems

This video delivers a lot of good facts and detailed information about Harley-Davidson motorcycle sales.

Harleys have a NASTY reputation for being UNRELIABLE! Every single person I know that has a Harley, spends more time taking it to the shop than they do riding.The parts for them are extremely expensive too. While I am on the subject of price, Harleys are INSANELY over priced! Your average younger person now wants something that just works. Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki and Yamaha know that. That’s why they sell tons and tons of bikes. They are constantly cramming the latest tech into their bikes, and again, at a fraction of the price of a Harley. Read more »


Motorcycle Christmas

Motorcycle Christmas | California Bike Night

Southern California December bike night. This was the last  San Diego Harley bike night in  the Kearny Mesa area of San Diego.

Harley Davison stunt riders, food, refreshments and great looking motorcycles all combined to make this one great San Diego motorcycle event.

Yes, there were two Santas at this event, which one was the real Santa? Read more »


Custom Chopper Builder Jesse James

Interview with Custom Chopper Builder Jesse James

When your real craftsman, and famous, you have the luxury of working on projects and for people that you are in tune with. Jesse James has made bikes for many athletes, and most wrestlers, but has no problem turning down customers. Here I was thinking he turned Stallone down because of his views on guns and gun control. Seeing as how Jesse James has been into guns for a while and now is a gun manufacturer, and the hypocrisy of Stallone making his living off of movies featuring a lot of gun violence and then being extremely anti-gun, and a supporter of the Brady Bill, etc. But nope, he didn’t sell him a bike cause Stallone wanted yellow…smh Jesse James is a fabricator in his own world, not a people person at all, old school as hell! Read more »


Harley Davidson Shovelhead Chopper

Harley Davidson Shovelhead Chopper 1979 swingarm build

 All the heavy fab, machining and welding were done by a friend at his shop. I did all the easy stuff like tighten bolts, build wheels, built motor and painting. Built mostly by me with a lot of guidance and help from friends. Build time was about 8-9 months.

Harley Davison shovelhead engine:

Harley Davidson Shovelhead Chopper

Harley Davison shovelhead engine

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Motorcycle Accident Gear

Always ride with the proper protective Motorcycle Accident Gear!

This video shows not a very fast speed motorcycle accident, but the motorcycle rider doesn’t have any shirt nor pants. This is what happens when you don’t wear proper motorcycle gear. Please be aware that video contains footage of blood and wounds.

1) This is why you wear all the gear, all the time.

2) This is why you ride within your limits and skill level. Read more »


Norway Chopper

Good looking Norway Chopper

1340 HP,custom Speed frame, wheel.  Rear tire is 250/40-18 , front fork is 30″ over, transmission is 6 speed with a suicide jockey shift. The owner says it’s easy to handle and he puts on about 15,000 miles a year! This is kind of impressive mileage when one considers that at the most, the motorcycle riding season in Norway runs from May to October. Read more »


Radical Choppers

Radical Choppers – taking it too far!

For me the first thing that comes to mind when watching this video is that these bikers have taken it way too far as far as extended front ends go. Having a super long extended front end like this really changes the whole geometry of the motorcycle. I just have to believe that riding a motorcycle with such a long front end is really an accident waiting to happen. Plus, what about cornering and maneuverability?

Sure, I can appreciate bikers modifying their rights to suit their own individuality, but if they intend to ride these custom creations, I think safety has to factor into any modifications.

These motorcycles are just impractical and stupid. Make a bike uncomfortable and plan unsafe for the rider & anyone else around when they loses control. Read more »


Custom Motorcycle Trike

Custom Motorcycle Trike

Rocket II Trike is on the road, powered by a blown Hemi V8, which generates over 1000 hp!

Motorcycle Trike –

A sculptor by trade, Frogman Tim Cotterill brought his trike design to Blastolene, the same folks who built Jay’s Tank Car.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Many three-wheelers which exist in the form of motorcycle-based machines are often called trikes and often have the front single wheel and mechanics similar to that of a motorcycle and the rear axle similar to that of a car. Often such vehicles are owner-constructed using a portion of a rear-engine, rear-drive Volkswagen Beetle in combination with a motorcycle front end. Other trikes include ATVs that are specially constructed for off road use. Read more »


Custom Chopper Motorcycle

Good Looking Custom Chopper Motorcycle

This is a great video for custom chopper motorcycle enthusiast. There is absolutely no narration, just a lot of good-looking custom chopper motorcycles!

Currently, here in the United States,, the chopper motorcycle look as stated in popularity and been replaced by the ‘bagger’ motorcycle. The bagger style motorcycle usually refers to a Harley or other large motorcycle that has saddlebags. Usually, a chopper motorcycle enthusiast wouldn’t be caught dead on one of these baggers! but, I bet the same could be true for a bagger motorcycle enthusiast  attitude toward the chopper motorcycle. Read more »