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September 11, 2016

California Freeway Motorcycle Accident

by biker1

South 405 California Freeway Motorcycle Accident

Lady Harley rider lane splitting motorcycle accident on the 405 Freeway. Women Harley rider ended up with a hairline fracture in her elbow.

OUCH! As they say, any crash you can walk away from is a good crash. Glad only minor injury’s.

I will say Is the car driver clearly didn’t use her mirrors correctly or check over her shoulder before moving, the way I look at it you should plan for every eventually so perhaps the biker should have anticipated the cars actions, (maybe too fast, hard to tell from video) glad to know it wasn’t a more serious injury.

Looking at this video again, I just noticed that the car driver made an illegal move by crossing over a double solid line, trying to get into the car pool lane.

Harley rider was in the right, the lady car driver was most likely on her phone as everyone in LA traffic is and went to switch into a lane that she would be ticketed for if caught. I bet you she didn’t even have a passenger. sorry but it was all that lady’s fault.

This is why you lane split CAREFULLY. I absolutely hate doing this because you know some dick will lane change lanes for no good reason without looking. The car drivers don’t get anywhere any quicker, but they have to do it.

Although, splitting lanes is the issue, thinking other drivers are not freaking idiots out to kill you is your mistake. I trust nobody when I ride. Plus, I try to avoid LA and Orange County traffic whenever possible. I guess am just too old for lane splitting but, is it any safer to stay in your lane in stop and go traffic on a bike? Personally, I think the chances may be greater for a biker to get rear-ended from some jerk who just answered their cell phone in stop and go traffic.

motorcycle accident Los Angeles - Street Motorcycle Accident

California motorcycle accident – motorcycle rear-ended when stopped at red light

Personally, I think the chances may be greater for a biker to get rear-ended from some jerk who just answered their cell phone in stop and go traffic.





California Freeway Motorcycle Accident




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