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November 28, 2015

California Motorcycle Accident

by biker1

From the motorcycle video taping the ride with his wife in the lead: Riding through the Santa Cruz mountains when my wife hit a pothole on her Suzuki SV650. She ended up going head first into on coming traffic.
Luckily the driver was going slow which is very rare for this road. Her head went under the car and hit the front axle but she wasn’t hurt because the car had stopped just as her head hit. Any faster and she would have broke her neck.m

Yep…It looks like it really could have been target fixation. It had happen to me once or twice. A good motorcycle instructor said: “remember this and you’ll be just fine;

One: Listen to your instinct. He’ll always tell you the truth. Don’t try to over rationalize because you’ll only lose precious time.

Two: It is good to be confident but not too much; as long as your bike still frightens you, you shouldn’t be worried at all. You should definitely worry when your bike is no longer frightening you at all. The overconfidence will more likely get you killed. three: your bike will always follow your eyes. Focus on a tree and you’ll end up in it”

In this motorcycle accident, I think the only that saved her was the fact that the driver of the car was a careful driver. The car driver knew from experience that you need to expect the unexpected coming around sharp bends.

2007 Big Dog K9 FOR SALE

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