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July 18, 2024

Jesse James Master Craftsman

by biker1

Jesse James Master Craftsman

With the kind of success that Jesse James had acquired in the motorcycle-building business and the reality television industry, it was unthinkable that he could encounter a massive failure when he created and produced the TV show called “Austin Speed Shop.”

Allegedly, it was such a major flop that fans wouldn’t find anything about it on his Wikipedia page.

Jesse James Master Craftsman

Jesse James Master Craftsman

It was as if it didn’t exist at all, which was frustrating to some fans who heard about it because they felt that they could have learned more about customization, as the TV show was a compilation of some sort of how-to videos. The big question in everyone’s mind was why it ended after one season with just three episodes, and what happened to Jesse after it failed.

Edited Comment from Nick Sothep:

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