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June 22, 2017

Motorcycle Advertisement

by biker1

Motorcycle Advertisement Video

Motorcycle advertisement from Taiwan! This one is a tearjerker!

Fantastic! Who would have thought a Taiwanese bank commercial could be so uplifting?

You can’t drive a car and get the same feeling as riding a motorcycle.

This was based on an independent documentary from 2012 called “Go Grandriders” Makes you want to ride before it’s too late.

Something with four wheels will move your body. Something with two wheels will move your soul.

For those of us who bought a motorcycle when life sucked as much as one hopes it ever sucks and it was the highlight of every damn day… This was pretty powerful. I hope I’m still riding when I’m 80.

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I’m not 80 yet, but I can see it from here. When I was young, I used to think nothing about a 1000 kilometer ride. Now, even though my feet are exactly where they’ve always been, I think twice about putting on my riding gear. Last year I meet a fellow who looked about 70, riding from Texas across Canada. But here’s the kicker . . . the fellow riding the other bike was his father! Long may we ride . . .

Get busy living or your just waiting to die. These guys got busy living. My motorcycle is a freedom that people cannot understand unless they own and ride one. No matter what brand or size they all make you feel good when your flying down the road with some friends. This commercial also shows no matter who you are or what nationality we all have the same problems.

Live life to the fullest, as, if you live your life in fear of death, you have already died.

motorcycle guy California Motorcycle AdvertisementHere are links to videos I made with San Diego California Senior motorcycle riders:

San Diego motorcycle rider

80 year old Harley-Davidson rider

A good article from psychology today magazine  on senior citizen motorcycle riders:

Old guys riding motorcycles

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