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January 29, 2016

Motorcycle Catches Fire

by biker1

Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Catches Fire on Highway

Turns out the Harley rider had a bag strapped to his rear seat and it came loose and got caught in the rear wheel.

The sport bike rider uses his camelbak filled with gatorade to put the fire out.Riders unity… no matter who you are or what you ride we all look out for each other.

Valley of Fire Loop motorcycle ride in Nevada

Motorcycle safety and motorcycle riders thoughts about their own safety – – -From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Some former motorcyclists had an epiphany due to an accident involving themselves or a person they know, which permanently upends their view of motorcycling. Some are adamant in their opposition to motorcycling, unwilling to consider the merits or pleasures of riding due to their horror at the danger and physical carnage of motorcycle accidents. Agony aunt Claire Rayner, in her review of Melissa Holbrook Pierson’s motorcycling book The Perfect Vehicle, admits her prejudice that nothing Pierson writes could change her attitude about motorcycling because, “I used to be hospital casualty nurse and spent so much time dealing with bikers who were scraped off the road like so much raspberry jam after accidents that I became an implacable hater of the machine… The danger to which bikers constantly put themselves, however well-wrapped in their urban armour of studded leather, and however horrendously helmeted, seems to me a reason for banning the infernal machines. …a smell of blood and smashed muscle and bone mixed with engine oil. That is what motor cycle means to me. And, I’m afraid, always will.” Some safety experts have advocated banning motorcycling altogether as being untenably dangerous.

I am not free to live in the now because I’m enslaved to the future ‘what if.’ …So we gradually distance ourselves from experiencing a full and free life and we don’t even know it.


Motorcycle Catches Fire

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