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June 28, 2016


Motorcycle Crash & Aftermath

by biker1

Motorcycle Crash & Aftermath

GSXR-600 motorcycle accident.

Thankfully she is a smart rider and wore good gear but should also had motorcycle boots . . . just may have saved her ankle.

Lesson taught and understood. Wear your gear!

Don’t let anyone ride your bike, and don’t ride passenger on your own bike. Riding 2-up changes the way the bike handles.

motorcycle accidents - motorcycle crashFirst and foremost… Glad you are ok and recovering… it could have been a lot worse! Second… glad to hear you will never let anyone else ride your bike… and never ride passenger unless it’s someone you 100% trust and know their riding skill with a passenger. Last… Get rid of the “casual riding shoes”… even though they are motorcycle shoes… stick to the full boots… if you were wearing those… your leg/ankle would have been fine… a bruise at most. Glad to hear you got a new bike … I hope insurance covered your loss on Suzie. Ride safe and have fun!

I know we look out for each other so here are some tips, if you have to render aid. Please never ever remove the helmet, leave that for the Paramedic (ALS), in Florida EMT and basic responders don’t even take off helmets, you could cause serious spinal trauma. Next, avoid moving the head, as little movement as humanly possible. Basically don’t move the patient unless it’s a safety issue like in traffic to move to side of road, in that case, move the body as if they are a board in one solid state. With legs don’t try to straighten them, you may cause internal bleeding because of jagged bones, most arteries run next to the dominant bone. Keep them talking, keep them awake, if he/she is talking they are breathing. Keep your eyes aware on clothing bleeding takes a while to seep through. Don’t cut off clothing, if burning is involved most gear has synthetics in it so it may stick to flesh and you will do a ton more of injury. Keep safe!

California Motorcyclist Safety Program (CMSP)

San Diego motorcycles

Motorcycle Crash & Aftermath



1 Comment Post a comment
  1. Jul 26 2016

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