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June 5, 2015

Motorcycle crash at 100+ mph

by biker1

Motorcycle crash

Quote from the motorcycle who took the video: “He fell cuz the front tire was bald. And he doesn’t ride like that anymore (he learned his lesson). And the gsxr was fixed looks brand new. Like I say every true rider falls at least once”.

Anyone new to riding needs to watch this video to learn why wearing proper gear is so important. Dude’s pants shredded instantly. Arms looking like some zombie flick extra. He actually came out incredibly well considering.

He rolled vs. sliding at that speed that wound have ripped the the flesh from this bones. Dude got really lucky, especially to walk away practically unharmed after dumping at that speed with just a helmet and no gear … minimal road rash and mostly a bruised ego and a busted bike.

motorcycle crashIt does look like he was leaning to change lane to the left and he might have been getting near the car ahead and hit the brake as he was trying to change lanes.

What a lucky guy. First, he walked out of it. Second, no car ran over him. I think we all learned something from watching this. Good thing he had a helmet … While wearing a helmet carries its own risks, no helmet at all carries more risk than wearing a helmet. Of course if the helmet is too heavy, it can cause the neck to snap in a collision, due to the extra inertia on the head. Still, a helmet can be the difference between spilling your brains on the ground and waking up in a hospital.

Look we all make mistakes yeah, but aaaah…    when you’re “just learning” and you’re doing it on one of the most powerful stock bikes made, and you go LOOKING to make mistakes…., well it’s hard to muster up sympathy/empathy but I’m glad he’s ok and doesn’t ride like that – that accident might have saved his life actually.   I’m a biker, been riding 30+ years,  can’t say I ever rode on bald tires…  or sat on my tank while trying to do a split?? 100 mph no less wtf? What exactly was the purpose of assuming a gynecological examination pose on a bile at 100 mph? Legs spread so there is zero control,  he was lucky he didn’t kill someone else.

On a racetrack, OK, because you’re only risking your own dumb ass, but on a public highway with other motorists who may not want to die or watch you die that day?  Pure, exhibitionism, selfish, adrenaline junkie insanity. Hope he’s at least wearing proper gear now too – be safe!

Sage motorcycle riding advice “the day you think you have your bike mastered, get off it, your going to get hurt and don’t show off, you’ll get hurt doing that too”. 

For motorcycle safety source – check out: MOTORCYCLE SAFETY FOUNDATION


Motorcycle crash

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