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July 26, 2013


Harley Motorcycle Crash at 68 Mph

by Oakley

motorcycle crashHarley Motorcycle Crash

Did you know that 46% of all motorcycle crashes occur at intersections? Or that, on average, three motorcyclists are killed every day in the U.S. as a result of multi-vehicle crashes at intersections?

Harley Davidson Motorcycle Crash at 68 MPH!

It was a nice day and I had to drive 3 hours south for work the next day and on the way I decided to stop in cedar key fl on the gulf coast for some lunch. Just crusin barely above the limit a Camaro slowed down without breaking so I didn’t notice any break lights to catch my attention and on top of that I wasn’t being aware of my surroundings and was looking to the right a little. At that perfect moment I realized how close the car got and it was too late. As I hit the breaks I looked for an escape, there was no way I was gonna make it all the way to the left and go around so I looked off road to the right and saw a parked truck and telephone pole and that seemed like a bad idea so i just kept on the brakes and tried to get as far right as I could and take my chances trying to skim by the side. as you see that didn’t go well. I went to the hospital and got some x’rays and nothing was broken! I was limping for about a week and a half and other than that I was completely fine. I’m very lucky I didn’t break a bone let alone that I survived rear ending a car at 68mph. I think my rucksack protected my back a ‘lot and cushioned the rear window from breaking and obviously I had a helmet too. Oh ya, if your wodering. Yes my bike is destroyed and I think ill buy a car next.

It was good of the motorcycle rider to upload this video. Though he was and will continue to be criticized for mistakes made, I believe other motorcycle riders will benefit from watching this point of view video and thereby hopefully avoid a similar motorcycle accident.

To me, based on the speed he was going and the fact that he ran into the back of an auto and was thrown off his bike and landed on the top of the car’s trunk, I think it’s a miracle that he survived without even a broken bone. This could have easily been a body bag type of motorcycle accident.

NHTSA motorcycle safety

Motorcycle Crash


12 Comments Post a comment
  1. Gary Green
    Aug 23 2013

    If you liked that one, you’ll love this one… again as Dave so eloquently puts it, numbnuts!

    This ones a UK rider so not paying attention seems to be common., play the video with sound as his words of wisdom during and afterwards are classic, not my fault…..was it???

  2. Dave Larson
    Aug 23 2013

    I like the way he unloaded from the bike and rode the car to a safe stop. Nice crash, numbnuts!

  3. Eddie Smith
    Aug 23 2013

    Apart from the fact that he didn’t notice the car had eased off the gas and started to slow before applying the brakes to turn left (54 seconds in, the brake lights are on and turn indicator is on), there’s a car width to the right that could’ve been his escape route. The rider noticed at 53 seconds when he grabbed the front brake. Impact was 2 seconds later, during which time he slowed from 68mph to about 50mph (when the speedo disappeared from shot) and would have travelled about 170 feet.

    A case of target fixation? Drag your eyes away, look where you need to go and you WILL go there.

  4. Craig Gephart
    Aug 23 2013

    Really??? The only car for miles and this knucklehead hit it? He should have been paying attention. And he showed his face in the clip to boot! Shame, shame, shame.

  5. Dave Larson
    Aug 23 2013

    It’s a great example of how costly a small lack of brains can be when riding a motorcycle.

  6. K. Cavaliere
    Aug 23 2013

    I don’t understand the whole motorcycle-cam “thing”. I can see it on a racetrack or on some great adventure ride through some scenic and out of the way place – but not on some mundane ride.

  7. Dave Hubbard
    Aug 23 2013

    Might be he is bragging; look at me!!!!
    Might be he is saying; Do not do what I did..
    Might be he is just plain dumb…..

  8. K. Cavaliere
    Aug 23 2013

    What I’m trying to figure out here is if you do something that dim, and record it, why publish it? Is it a Darwin Award entry?

  9. Dave Larson
    Aug 23 2013

    He needs lots of criticism.

    May I start? To the rider: ” Pay attention, numbnuts.”

  10. K. Cavaliere
    Aug 23 2013

    I watched that video several times. Was he trying to jump over the car? The closing speed should have been a clue. If you look closely, he’s not looking far down the road until 50 seconds in, just before the impact at the 55 second mark. The helmet-cam has the horizon barely in or just out of the frame.

    I’m glad he’s not hurt too badly. He has enough trouble on his hands with the damage to the car and the motorcycle to not need criticism.

  11. Dave Hubbard
    Aug 23 2013

    I agree Dave, he was not paying attention.

  12. Dave Larson
    Aug 23 2013

    try waking up before you go for a ride.

    What an idiot!


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