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March 22, 2018

Motorcycle Dog

by biker1

Beautiful Husky on motorcycle passenger seat with his owner as they ride around Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.

This certainly is a motorcycle dog! Now, what would really be great would be if this was video was taken riding  a Big Dog motorcycle.

Personally, I’m really not concerned with the  motorcycle rider not having any safety gear, but I sure would like to see the dog somehow strapped in or attached to the rider to prevent a possible accident.

Motorcycle Dog

Motorcycle Dog

San Diego Motorcycle Dog

Plus, look carefully at the picture above at the start of the video where you can see the husky holding onto the motorcycle rider. It looks like the dogs tail is pretty much touching on that back tire of the motorcycle. I feel this motorcycle rider should of put a little more thought into his dog safety!

Motorcycle Dog

San Diego California Motorcycle Dog

Now, a passenger on your bike makes a conscious decision whether or not to ride with you and hopefully understands that there is a certain amount of risk. But what dog doesn’t want to be with its owner? and if that owner has half a brain, they know this is a very risky situation for their pet.

Okay, you want to take your dog for a motorcycle ride with you . . . fine, but how about restricting that just a three wheel motorcycles or motorcycles with sidecars? now, I hate unnecessary government regulation probably as much as anybody. But, I also love my dogs and would hate to see anybody’s dog put in great danger and/or injured just because a motorcycle rider is trying to show how cool he is.

So if you’re one of the the tiny few who do take their dogs on a motorcycle with you, at least be sure it’s in a three wheeled bike or one with a sidecar. living here in California, I think it’s pretty much assured that once a pet is killed or severely injured by being a passenger on a motorcycle, the state of California will waste no time in writing up restrictive legislation to ban the practice.

Motorcycle Dog

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