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January 13, 2015

Motorcycle Traffic December 2014

by biker1

Our San Diego motorcycle blog traffic.

Motorcycle Traffic December 2014

For December 2014 we once again went over 16,000 unique visitors to the site!

San Diego motorcycle traffic

monthly unique visitors

Now, we’re not talking about hits here were talking about, usually real people visiting the site. Whether you’re using the computer smart phone or tablet, one on the Internet your device has a unique IP address. Our site council the number of visits. Based on this IP address in a 24-hour period. Big Dog K9 motorcycleAnother words, if someone from their iPhone would visit our site at 9:30AM. It would be counted as one visit, but if they came back again to visit at 10 o’clock PM, the same day, that visit would not be counted again. Now, if they came back the following day let’s say, at 9:45AM, our site would count them as a new visit.

So by using unique visits to a website or blog, one is able to determine much more accurately the popularity of that site.

For all of 2014, our highest unique traffic to the site was set in March with a total of 16,568 unique visitors! Last month, December 2014, are unique visitors were 16,183! So, we came within 386 monthly visitors of setting a new all-time monthly traffic high record for the site.

Also, I’d like to mention that for 2014 we added two new permanent pages to our site. If you look at the very top of the site on the right-hand side, you’ll see there’s a hyperlink for motorcycles for sale and also one for motorcycle parts and accessories. If you are a local Southern California motorcycle rider, we will place your photo add on one of these pages for 90 days . . . Totally free of charge!

I’d like to thank all our site subscribers and visitors for making this site so popular and I wish you all a very happy new year!


Motorcycle Traffic December 2014

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