California Motorcycle Traffic

We appreciate all our visitors, and please if you have any suggestions about motorcycle articles, photos or motorcycle videos please let me know in the comments and will see if we could add those in the coming months.
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Motorcycle video tip
Motorcycle video tip
Make your next motorcycle video much more entertaining! I’m sure you know about VR 360 videos, this motorcycle video tip is how to use a 360° video to provide your audience scenes that you preselected from the raw 360° footage and then converted it into a regular ‘flat’ video. Motorcycle video tip:
Using this technique, is almost like having a passenger behind you filming your motorcycle ride at various angles, all from one small stationary 360° camera that is attached to your motorcycle helmet. Read more
San Diego motorcycle videos YouTube
San Diego motorcycle videos YouTube
As all our readers and subscribers know, not only do I produce my own motorcycle videos but I also put up other people’s videos that I think are interesting here on this San Diego motorcycle site. Well, it sure seems that there are a lot of motorcycle riders out there who appreciate my own (almost exclusively about choppers) videos.
On YouTube, our channel is under the name of: Pilotjoe7 and is located at:
The graphic above is directly from YouTube and shows that for recent 28 day period, our motorcycle channel had over 525 hours of people viewing just my own produced chopper videos! To tell you the truth, I was amazed by these numbers! Read more
San Diego Ca Motorcycles
San Diego Ca Motorcycles
Last month this site had over 21,900 unique visitors! actually, for the last six months this site averaged over 23,000 unique visitors per month!
So, once again I like to say thanks to all my loyal visitors and for all you new people coming here for the first time be sure to mark this site is one of your favorites if you’re into custom motorcycles.
San Diego Ca Motorcycles
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
According to IFABC Global Web Standards, a unique user (UU) is “An IP address plus a further identifier. The term “unique visitor” may be used instead of “unique user” but both terms have essentially the same meaning (see below). Sites may use User Agent, Cookie and/or Registration ID.” Note that where users are allocated IP addresses dynamically (for example by dial-up Internet service providers), this definition may overstate or understate the real number of individual users concerned. Read more
California Motorcycle Traffic
California Motorcycle Traffic
Last month this site had over 21,200 unique visitors!
For the last six months this site has had well over 21,000 unique visitors per month! I’d like to say thanks to all those visitors who are new to the site as well as my long time motorcycle site subscribers. With a motorcycle riding season fully underway now,, I just want to say that we have plans for a lot more do-it-yourself motorcycle maintenance and tips and naturally new motorcycle riding videos. Read more
San Diego Motorcycles – web traffic
San Diego Motorcycles
For last month, this site ( ) had over 24,000 unique visits! now, I’m not talking about hits here I’m talking about individual visits from unique IP addresses where just one visit from a specific IP address is counted in a 24-hour period.
Take a look at our unique visitor traffic and you see that we’ve been averaging well over 24,000 unique visitors per month for quite some time!
Once again, I’d like to thank all my readers and subscribers who have contributed to the huge amount of visits. This site started just as a hobby site that really took off when I started producing and publishing a lot of my riding videos here in San Diego. Read more
San Diego California motorcycles
San Diego California motorcycles
2015 Blessing of the Bikes
2015 annual motorcycle ride that starts at San Diego Harley-Davidson 4645 Morena Blvd. San Diego 92117.
San Diego Harley-Davidson’s Blessing of the Bikes!
The ride goes up to the top of Mt. Soledad & the Veterans Memorial. Read more
San Diego Chopper Motorcycles Ride
San Diego Chopper Motorcycles Ride
A few San Diego custom choppers take a short ride to the Gaslamp Quarter in downtown San Diego California. We ended up at the Lucky Bastard Saloon on 5th.
My bike is a 2006 American Ironhorse Texas Chopper (used as the video camera platform), the other two bikes are a Thunder Mountain and a Big Bear choppers. Read more
San Diego Motorcycles – Thunder Mountain Chopper
San Diego Motorcycles – Thunder Mountain Chopper
Thunder Mountain Chopper – Interview with Thunder Mountain Keystone chopper owner in front of the Lucky Bastard Saloon in the Gaslamp Quarter of San Diego, California.
San Diego California Motorcycle Ride
San Diego California Motorcycle Ride
Yes, San Diego, California, is an expensive place to live. But, as the saying goes, you get what you pay for! Personally, I believe San Diego, California has the best weather in the United States! Here are a few pictures of the San Diego custom motorcycle ride on January 12, 2014.
With an average annual temperature in the 70s, San Diego is a motorcycle riders Paradise! Read more