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June 12, 2017

West Coast Thunder motorcycle ride 360 video

by biker1

West Coast Thunder motorcycle ride 360 video

The West Coast Thunder motorcycle ride is an annual event  that occurs on each Memorial Day. It’s estimated that there were over 7500 motorcycles participating in this ride and show of respect for our veterans who lost their life defending our liberty!

This 360° video was shot with the Samsung Gear 360° camera in 4K resolution. For best viewing, you should change the resolution in the tab that’s under the video to 4K and then increase it to full screen playback. If you don’t have a 4K television or computer, or your computer is not fast enough to handle all the data in this video, and you experience buffering, you should decrease the resolution down to 1080 or less so the video runs smoothly.

West Coast Thunder motorcycle ride 360 video

West Coast Thunder Memorial Day Run - West Coast Thunder motorcycle ride 360° video

When looking at the video there should be a directional control in the  upper left-hand side of the video. You can use this control to move around within the video itself and or even pause the video and then move around so you could see view in any direction you like. It’s kind of unusual, as a motorcycle rides by if you’re using the directional control you can see the bike heading toward you and then pan to the left you’ll see the side of the motorcycle antique panning 180° and you’ll see the back of the motorcycle at its heading down the road.

This ride first stops by the Riverside National Cemetery where flags are placed on many of the veterans gravesites and then the ride continues on to a local Indian casino for a show an additional entertainment. I understand that  up until this year, this ride has raised over  $600,000 for the Riverside National Cemetery support committee!

West Coast Thunder motorcycle ride

For more information about this annual Memorial Day motorcycle run, check out their site at:




West Coast Thunder motorcycle ride 360 video








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