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November 29, 2016

San Diego CA Motorcycle Accident

by biker1

Speeding motorcycle hurtles into driver during pursuit

San Diego Ca Motorcycle Accident

A motorcycle rear-ended into an innocent driver during a high-speed chase on Interstate 805 in the North Park area of town.

No biker wants to hear about a motorcycle crash. But, whether in a car or bike it’s really stupid to try to speed away and have the CHP case you on the highway. Personally, I think the stupidity level is doubled when you try to out run the cops on a motorcycle.  I think in the majority of these situations the motorcycle is usually ends up dead or seriously injured. But, what is really tragic in stories like this one, is that usually innocent motorist or pedestrians are often injured in these police chases.

CA Motorcycle Accidentmotorcycle accidents  -  CA Motorcycle Accident

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

United States motorcycle fatalities increased every year for 11 years since reaching a historic low of 2,116 fatalities in 1997, then increased to over 5000 around 2008 and then plateaued in the 4 to 5 thousands range in the 2010s. In nine years motorcycle deaths more than doubled from the late 1990s to 2008. Despite providing less than 1% of miles driven, they made up 15% of traffic deaths in 2012.

Since about 2004 over 4,000 people have died every year up to 2014 in motorcycle accidents, and in 2007 and 2008 deaths exceeded 5000 per year. At the same time occupant deaths of other types of vehicles has decreased in the 21st century, so motorcycle accidents deaths have become an increased share of all deaths and noted for being 26 times more deadly than cars. Operators of sport motorcycle models had a higher rate of death compared to other motorcycle types, and speeding was noted in roughly half of fatal sport and super sport accidents compared to about a fifth for fatal accidents of other types. Sport and super sport riders were also likely to be younger among those involved in a fatal accident, with an average age of 27 (for the year 2005). The number of fatalities of those under 30 has gone from 80% percent in 1975 to 30% in 2014.

Nearly half of all deadly accidents involve only the motorcycle (so-called single vehicle accidents) and a major issue is the loss of control during a bend in the road. There is a reported 80% chance of injury or death on a motorcycle in the event of an accident, compared to about 20% for passenger vehicles. Of the other over half of fatal accidents that do involve multiple vehicles, more than 75% involve head-on collisions, especially with vehicles that cross the lane of traffic but failed to spot the motorcycle.

Ca Motorcycle Accident

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