Cajon Classic Cruise
San Diego East County’s premier hot Rod and motorcycle show is back for 2018 – Cajon Classic Cruise
Cajon Classic Cruise is back for 2018! Join thousands of people from all over Southern California visit the display of classic cars in the center of Downtown El Cajon. Shows are every Wednesday from 5-8 PM. A different theme every week with returning favorites like Girls’ Night Out, Return to the 50’s and Trunk or Treat, on Halloween night.
Cajon Classic Cruise kickoff for the weekly Wednesday shows is April 18, 2018.
It’s free to enter! Plus, each category winner receives a trophy at the end of the show after an entertainment show. Yes, that is correct, I said FREE to enter the show as well as to view the show! Obviously, this is a big draw for people to come to downtown El Cajon, enjoy the restaurants and see/interact with the merchants that are savvy enough to sponsor a great weekly show like this!
Motorcycle parking is on Sulzfeld Way just off Main Street, east of Magnolia Avenue.
Cajon Classic Cruise
This is a great opportunity to see other custom San Diego motorcycles and meet cool riders who are really into their bikes!
Located on Main street in El Cajon, California and produced by the city in conjunction with ‘Charger Steve’ Lordigyan the Cajon Classic Cruise is Southern California’s largest weekly car and motors ports event attended by over 50,000 people each year. Each weekly show has a different theme.
Other event themes have included Muscle Car Mania, Vintage Vans, Flames of Main and many more.
Also, one of the weekly themes is bike night where all types of motorcycles are featured. Usually you can count on 3 to 400 motorcycle showing up for this special evening.Looking Forward To Another Great Season In 2018! Don’t miss a Single Wednesday Nite in Downtown El Cajon, Ca.
Cajon Classic Cruise