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October 17, 2013


Harley Davidson Recalls 2014 Motorcycles

by biker1

Harley Davidson Motorcycles

Today Harley-Davidson announced a voluntary recall of about 25,185 motorcycle models. Seems there is a safety issues with the hydraulic clutch system on certain 2014 model motorcycles.

2014 Harley-Davidson  Harley Davidson Motorcycles

Seems the recall will include a ‘Do Not Ride’ notice to owners and a ‘Do Not Deliver’ notice to Harley-Davidson dealers until the motorcycle is fixed.Harley-Davidson motorcycle

“The inspection and repair of these motorcycles is extremely important, so it’s critical that our customers with affected vehicles contact their dealers immediately, ” said Tony Wilcox, Harley-Davidson General Manager. This recall has to due with the hydraulic clutch system.  The clutch may lose the ability to generate enough lift to disengage the clutch, causing difficulties in slowing or stopping the motorcycle, which could in turn result in an accident. Harley recall information




Harley Davidson

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. bL33d77
    Oct 17 2013

    Well, so much for Harley tech!

  2. MyClutchWorks
    Oct 17 2013

    That would be disastrous!
    1. NOT able to stop at every tavern on there route.
    2. They’ll actually ride it somewhere distant.
    3. I’ve helped push start several HD’s this past year. The difference be?
    4. HD cannot let this happen. The whole dry clutch disc industry would fold up in mere weeks.


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  1. 2014 Harely Recall - Steve Saunders Goldwing Forums

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