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September 7, 2015

Motorcycle chase through shopping center

by biker1

Motorcycle chase

Happened in Surrey BC , Canada. RCMP chase suspect with Air 1 and ground units.

Nobody was injured after a two-wheeled rampage through a Surrey, B.C. shopping mall Friday (February 20, 2015).

Surrey RCMP were called to the neighborhood of Guildford just before 2 p.m. investigating reports of a motorcycle being driven recklessly.

Refusing to stop for police, the suspect reportedly roared into the Guildford Town Centre Mall, where he drove his bike down an escalator before fleeing the scene, heading east towards the city of Langley.

The suspect, a white male in his 40s, was last seen near 192 St. and 96 Ave.

Police are still reviewing surveillance tape and interviewing witnesses in an attempt to identify the suspect.

motorcycle chase

motorcycle safety information

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