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September 13, 2017

Motorcycle suspension bolt – Motorcycle shock bolts – Progressive shock bolt failure

by biker1

Motorcycle suspension bolt

This is video two of two about my progressive shock bolt failure. to fully understand the situation, I would advise taking a look at the first video that I did about this, the hyperlink is below:

In this video about the motorcycle suspension bolt failure, I focus on what the cause may have been and a simple way to add a couple second procedure to your annual motorcycle maintenance check, that may prevent this situation from happening to your motorcycle.

Motorcycle suspension bolt

Motorcycle shock bolt snapping - Motorcycle suspension bolt

American Ironhorse Texas Chopper

2006 American Ironhorse Texas Chopper



Both the first video and this current video are talking about the motorcycle suspension both on my 2006 American Ironhorse Texas Chopper motorcycle. I believe that the reason this motorcycle suspension bolt failed can apply to almost any motorcycle that has rear shock absorbers. So, even if your shock absorbers  are a totally different brand, mounted vertically, instead of horizontally like mine, and naturally, perhaps mounted on a totally different type of motorcycle, if the mounting set up involves a bolt going through a bushing on the shock absorber,, there is a very good chance that this same failure could happen to your motorcycle.

Big Dog Motorcycle K9

Big Dog Motorcycle K9

Prevention is the key here, and in order to do it right you just have to spend a couple of seconds extra when you do your annual motorcycle maintenance check. Having a motorcycle suspension bolt snap off, is not only dangerous, but it can be costly by having to replace your shocks and having a mechanic remove the sheared off bolt, old shocks and put the new shocks and bolts back on your motorcycle.

For me personally, from now on every time I do an oil and filter change (at a minimum, at the start of every riding season) I’m going to check for play in both shock absorbers. I had already been and will continue to check that all four bolts that secure the shock absorbers to the frame are tight.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Motorcycle safety and society

In many countries, incompatibility issues exist between motorcycle riders risk attitudes and nationwide road safety plans. Western democratic societies often rely upon fundamental utilitarian views to achieve its function, such as setting the limits to individual freedom to guarantee public safety. Vision Zero and other absolute political goals are fundamentally incongruent with the individualistic philosophy of risk acceptance and valorization. For years, in France, legislative measures have been taken to limit the output power of two wheeled vehicles.  Talks about mandatory speed limiting devices have been unpopular in the motorcycle communities in countries such as the UK and Sweden. However, rallies and motorcyclists’ right organizations have helped inform public officials about the negative impacts of such restrictions on their communities, with no reports of such devices being fitted having seen the day. Instead, collaboration with these groups are leading to increased focus on rider training and roadside safety measures. Moreover, focus is shifted towards the statistically largest percentage of accidents, which are due to alcohol and drug use, non street-legal motorcycles, and riders not having a valid motorcycle license.

Motorcycle suspension bolt









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