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March 16, 2017


Do Outlaw Bikers Still Exist?

by biker1

Do Outlaw Bikers Still Exist?

The simple answer is YES!

Hells Angels MC Westcoast – Documentary

These are criminals first, bikers a distant second. A suggestion for you wanna-be’s: Just ride, forget the rest of the BS.

This documentary is YEARS old!
All “Outlaw” clubs, or 1%’s, started off originally as clubs who enjoyed riding and maybe the occasional bar fight on a Saturday night. Now they’re criminals who are after the almighty dollar through Meth sales and distribution and other crimes. What a shame. As an avid chopper rider for years I can attest to the fact that 99% of REAL bikers are law abiding, love their families, and work honest jobs.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

The Hells Angels were started on March 17, 1948, by the Bishop family, American war immigrants in Fontana, California followed by an amalgamation of former members from different motorcycle clubs, such as the Pissed Off Bastards of Bloomington. The Hells Angels’ website denies the suggestion that any misfit or malcontent troops are connected with the motorcycle club. The website also notes that the name was suggested by Arvid Olsen, an associate of the founders, who had served in the Flying Tigers’ “Hell’s Angels” squadron in China during World War II. The name “Hell’s Angels” was inspired by the typical naming of American squadrons, or other fighting groups, with a fierce, death-defying title in World Wars I and II, e.g., the Flying Tigers (American Volunteer Group) in Burma and China fielded three squadrons of P-40s and the third Squadron was called “Hell’s Angels”. In 1930, the Howard Hughes film Hell’s Angels displayed extraordinary and dangerous feats of aviation, and it is believed that the World War II groups who used that name based it on the film.

Some of the early history of the HAMC is not clear, and accounts differ. According to Ralph ‘Sonny’ Barger, founder of the Oakland chapter, early chapters of the club were founded in San Francisco, California, Gardena, Fontana, California, Oakland, California and elsewhere, with the members usually being unaware that there were other clubs. One of the lesser known clubs existed in North Chino/South Pomona, California, in the late 1960s.




Do Outlaw Bikers Still Exist?



1 Comment Post a comment
  1. Jan 19 2018

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