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October 21, 2013


Terrible California Motorcycle Accident

by Oakley

California Motorcycle Accident

Five people were killed and six others seriously injured when a car struck a group of 12 motorcycles on a California desert highway in 2010. Bless those poor souls and families.


“I was one of the first emergency officials on the scene. Of my 23 years on the department, it was the most devastating scene I’ve been to, and I’ve seen a lot of fatal accidents,” said Dean Goudie, a spokeswoman for the C.H.P. (California Highway Patrol).One version of this accident is: Two Illegal Aliens who stole the white car headed back to Mexico at high speed, passing another car/cars and ran head on into the bikers. Based on the road in the video, they (Illegal Aliens) passed on a blind curve with a rise on the road……

Another take on this: The driver was Hispanic but was not at fault. He was forced into the bikes by a white driver in another car who didn’t even have the decency to stop. Several of the bikers who survived, testified that it was NOT the fault of the driver in the white car and hold nothing against him.

Third take: The driver was Spanish, license was suspended, no insurance, and under the influence, just came up from Mexico.


California Motorcycle Accident

1 Comment Post a comment
  1. Laura35
    Oct 22 2013

    What a terrible accident! A motorcycle rider really increases their chance of serious injury or death because of their passion. I guess, that would be acceptable if the danger level was increased because of actions or mistakes that the writer makes. But, in many of these terrible crashes involving motorcycles, a large number of them are caused by cars or trucks and magnified by the fact that the motorcycle rider as zero protection in a crash.


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