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January 16, 2018


Your Last Motorcycle Ride

by Oakley

Your Last Motorcycle Ride

This is a very powerful video, never know when that next turn could be your last, but as said in the video, when it’s in your blood you can’t do anything but throw your leg over that bike! Very sorry for your loss.

Video notes: Patrick Bracelin has been my best friend since college. We did an initial interview with Patrick which quickly turned into, what I would consider, one of my favorite things I’ve captured on video. We made the haul to Phoenixville, PA from the DC area for the additional shots we wanted to lay over the video that we had already edited featuring Patrick’s interview.

This is one of the first interviews I’ve ever done, and topping this experience will be quite the challenge in the foreseeable future. Patrick still rides and plans on riding as much as possible. The only difference being either on a track or in the woods now that all of his street bikes have been sold. Bad habits don’t have to define your passion. Do what you love even if it may kill you. Life is short, make it count.




Your Last Motorcycle Ride
6 Comments Post a comment
  1. Jan 16 2018

    Well produced video, but it somewhat glorifies the whole tragic part of biking while nurturing the image of the all black (bike and gear) so many bikers go for. In the last shot the rider hops on a Black bike in jeans, sneakers and hoodie…..all black.

  2. Jan 16 2018

    Incredible video, very powerful & moving… But like you said when it’s in you you just gotta ride…

  3. Jan 16 2018

    Thank you for making this video. It keeping riding on the street in perspective. Much respect

  4. Jan 16 2018

    I would rather die doing what I love then like a normal person. If I die in a car going fast or a bike I died the way I want to. Sorry for your fallen soldiers my friend

  5. Jan 31 2018

    Well that’s broken my heart, I will start counting my blessings from this day forward and not take for granted what I have.

  6. Jan 31 2018

    That hit hard.


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