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June 4, 2017

Motorcycle Crash and Burn

by biker1

Motorcycle Crash and Burn

Not sure what really happened to cvause this crash. Sure seems like he was going very fast, but, he roads are as wide as hell you can see the corners coming from a miles away it just doesn’t make sense. It was a smooth corner, did then rider just zone out or hallucinate and not realize there was a turn?

Well, how many times have we heard people use the phrase crash and burn? Unfortunately, this motorcycle accident is exactly that . . . A crash and burn!

One thing is for certain here, this motorcycle accident could have been much much worse if not for the fact that another motorcyclist pulled the rider away from the burning bike and shrubbery. To me, it looks like the accident rider was in no condition to get away from the bike in the flames which would’ve resulted in certain horrible death.

I don’t know what the outcome to this accident was at least as far as the motorcycle riders injuries. But, I believe he was extraordinarily fortunate to have other motorcycle riders right there.

Motorcycle Crash and Burn

So, what’s the take away from this particular motorcycle accident? Personally, I think the number one thing is always ride with a buddy even on wide open roads in the backcountry. Secondly, keep in mind, that speed kills! Sure, we all have moments where we like to crack that throttle open and feel the acceleration! But, to ride at high speed for any length of time is really multiplying your odds of a serious injury.

motorcycle crash Motorcycle Crash and Burn

Even though there might be like traffic on the backcountry roads,, after rains and high winds these roads always have a certain amount of dirt and fine gravel on them. If there is not enough car traffic prior to your ride even though conditions are clear and the road is wide open taking turns at high speeds can end up with your back wheel sliding out from under.


Motorcycle Crash and Burn



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