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December 22, 2016

Motorcycle Girls

by biker1

Motorcycle Girls

EICMA is the largest international motorcycle show. When you have good looking motorcycles, naturally the young men who dominate the shows always like to see the hot models that the motorcycle manufacturers higher to attract attention  to their new bikes.

Yes, just like day and night, peanut butter and jelly, good looking babes and motorcycles just always go together! I’ve been around a long time, and been to a lot of Hot Rod and motorcycle shows and can’t remember one that didn’t have good looking gals.  Let’s face it, sex sells! Okay, let’s exclude the Viagra commercials on TV, I bet that well over 80% or so of the other commercials have some underlying  sex beauty component.

Motorcycle Girls

motorcycle gal Motorcycle Girls

The phenomenon of hot babes and cool looking bikes is really just a natural fact of life. I mean, let’s look at this from a marketing perspective, motorcycles generally appealed to  younger single guys from their teens through their early 30s. Another big segment of motorcycle enthusiast is the older retirement type guys in their 50s and early 60s. There can be no doubt about it, motorcycling is really dominated by guys! Sure, lately we have been seeing more women moved from the passenger seat into the drivers seat, and I think that’s great for the motorcycling community.

California Motorcycle Babe Motorcycle Girls

I don’t have the figures of how many prospective motorcycle buyers are in the younger group versus the older group, but I would venture to say  that the biggest segment of the motorcycle purchasing market are younger single guys. So, it would just be natural that this market segment who really appreciate good-looking bikes equally appreciate good-looking hot babes..

Motorcycle Girls

Sure, I know there’s some feminist out there who may read this and totally disagree with my thoughts, and that’s fine! This is by no means a scientific analysis is just one older motorcycle guys opinion.

American Ironhorse Texas Chopper  Motorcycle Girls


Motorcycle Girls



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