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March 21, 2016


Motorcycle Spike Air Cleaner Installation

by biker1

Motorcycle Spike Air Cleaner Installation

This motorcycle Spike air cleaner installation was done on my 2006 American iron horse Texas chopper. This bike has an S&S hundred and 11 in.³ engine and an S&S carburetor.

My prior motorcycle was also a 2006 Texas chopper and on that one I changed out the standard air cleaner for a single Spike air cleaner.

From my new 2006 Texas chopper I decided originally to put on a big dog K-9 stock air cleaner because I thought it looked much better than the original iron horse air cleaner.

But for this season I decided to go with this dual Spike air cleaner look. Personally I think it looks real tough and this bike design fits in with my handlebar grips as well as the foot pegs.

Motorcycle Spike Air Cleaner Installation

One final point that I did not mention in the video, after the installation be sure to ride your motorcycle at highway speeds for at least a half an hour. Then remove both spark plugs and check how the ceramic insulator looks in the center of the plug. It should be a light tan color. If it is very dark your carburetor probably needs to be really adjusted because it’s running to rich.

motorcycle spark plug change

motorcycle spark plug removal

Before I take out the spark plugs I like to use a can of compressed air two blowout any dirt that may be around the spark plug

motorcycle spark plugs

But more than likely when you change over to a Spike air cleaner, you going to have more air being forced into the carburetor and therefore the bike will probably run on the lean side. What you want to check is to make sure that center ceramic insulator of the spark plug is not bright white. This would indicate that you’re running way to lean and may actually overheat or burn a hole in the top of your engine piston.

If after your carburetor adjustments, and you reject the plugs after riding at highway speed, and the color of the insulator is still not correct that may indicate that you have to change carburetor jets. This is really no big deal but I would advise that you have a motorcycle mechanic was familiar with it install the correct size jet.

For a great buy on motorcycle spike air filters, just click the Amazon ad below:

For info on motorcycle safety, CLICK HERE.


Motorcycle Spike Air Cleaner Installation

1 Comment Post a comment
  1. Larry Sturgeon
    May 31 2017

    I have a 2005 Texas Chopper. Would like to have that dual spike air cleaner on it. The internet is full of air cleaners with mind boggling descriptions, and I am not sure which ones would adapt to my chopper. Would you let me know were I can get the one you have and the description.


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