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October 28, 2014

San Diego Motorcycle Rider Helps in Car Accident

by biker1

 San Diego Motorcycle Rider saves overturned car diver on Hwy. 163

A car overturned on San Diego Hwy. 163 northbound and motorcycle rider stopped to lend a hand and caught it all on his helmet cam. The car driver was O.K.

Should the motorcycle rider extracted the car accident driver?

One San Diego firefighter said: Although you should always have a knife on you, you should never remove a victim from a car accident. (Unless they are in immediate danger.) Let the professionals do that. And although they said the car was on fire, it was not. It happens with every front impact or rollover type wreck, it is simply fluids dripping on the hot engine causing steam. I am a firefighter and go a to wrecks on nearly a daily basis and all of the citizens are always freaking out and saying it is on fire. It is really quite comical. Sometimes when even Law Enforcement arrive first they will advise the comm center of a vehicle fire.

Check out our post of a Orange County California motorcycle accident.

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