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April 25, 2019

Motorcycle Crash

by Oakley

Death on a motorcycle

*caution this video shows a motorcycle crash that resulted in the rider’s death. This is posted here so others can learn and hopefully avoid similar situations.

Motorcycle crash captured by the motorcycle riders own helmet mounted video camera. Video footage of a fatal collision was one released by police in a bid to get motorcyclists and drivers to think seriously about road safety. Viewers are warned that this video contains content which some may find distressing, but it does not show any graphic images of the rider during or after the collision and they are given the option to refrain from viewing.

Motorcycle Crash

The guy is gone, his mum knows he was wrong but is kind and strong enough to release this footage as a wake up call to bikers who think “it won’t happen to me.”  Thank you Davids Mom, hopefully this will make other riders reevaluate how they ride. Very sorry for your loss,David seemed like a sound guy. The Bike was going way too fast, and the driver was not paying attention at all or had a serious speed judgement fail. You cant “Assume” everyone is following rules, bike or car. Both were committed in their decisions. The fact that in under 10 seconds he’s gone from completely out of sight and over taking that silver car to dead on the floor shows how ridiculously fast he was going. Hope bikers watch this and realise they don’t have a god given right to go round any car in front of them and speed off. Some believe that because he was also already right in front of the car when the car started turning, the driver was not paying close attention. He could have been going 45 mph, he still would not have had time to stop the bike in that amount of time. 45 mph would have still been fatal for people thinking, “oh if he was going that slow, he probably would have lived”. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: According to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2006, 13.10 cars out of 100,000 ended up in fatal crashes. The rate for motorcycles is 72.34 per 100,000 registered motorcycles. Motorcycles also have a higher fatality rate per unit of distance traveled when compared with automobiles. Per vehicle mile traveled, motorcyclists’ risk of a fatal crash is 35 times greater than a passenger car. In 2004, figures from the UK Department for Transport indicated that motorcycles have 16 times the rate of serious injuries compared to cars. +++++++++++++



Motorcycle Crash

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