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May 17, 2021

Motorcycle Crash San Diego

by biker1

Motorcycle Crash San Diego Freeway

Seems like the news channel was trying to water down the severity of this incident. It’s really surprising that this motorcyclist survived without any serious injuries! I mean just imagine going 65 miles an hour or so and running into a tire coming right at you!

Motorcycle Crash San Diego

This is no joke or no minor incident these people if caught should definitely go to jail. Even if this tire rolled down on the freeway hit a car or truck it could easily have gone through the windshield and cause the driver to swerve into other cars or even traffic heading the opposite direction which could have easily resulted in mass murder!

I remember when I was still living in San Diego some years back that there were a number of incidents with people throwing giant rocks or cinderblocks over pedestrian walkways that went over the freeways! After those incidents, I believe almost all walkways now have fencing going up to try to prevent repeat incidents of people dropping heavy things on the traffic below.

Why someone would do such a thing, is really impossible to comprehend by a normal person. But one thing seems quite clear is that the people who do things like this have absolutely no respect for human life! I believe that law enforcement should pull out all the stops when incidents like this occur, apprehend the guilty as soon as possible. But, it should end there, judges and juries must make examples of the sub humans that do such things!

I believe the best take away motorcyclists can get from watching this video, is just what the motorcycle rider in the video said . . . Always wear your motorcycle riding gear!motorcycle crash

In 2018, 4,985 motorcyclists died in motorcycle crashes, down 5 percent from 5,229 in 2017, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In 2018, motorcyclists were 27 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a crash per vehicle miles traveled.

Note: statistics on fatal motorcycle crashes are also available from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.


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